Ancient Origin. Universal Benefit.

Yoga is an ancient Sanskrit word loosely translating to union or yoke. It is used in reference to the unification of one’s body & mind through continual practice, leading to outward clarity & knowledge of self taking root in diligent yoginis & yogis all over the world... for millennia. Benefits of practice are inherently intended for all humans, & every BODY. It is Downtown Yoga's continual aim, pleasure & priviledge to partner with various elements of the Las Vegas community to collectively champion healthy economic & social collaboration since the summer of 2017.


All Downtown Yoga sessions unfold at an achievable pace for all levels. Each position, or asana, assumed during class lasts several breath cycles to allow practitioners to ease themselves into complicating forms without getting left behind. They also require patience & focus, as large muscle groups work together in varying ways to open up the body properly. Sessions are most often led in the Ashtanga-Vinyasa style, & breathwork techniques, or Pranayama, will be introduced. Pratyahara (sensory withdrawal), Dharana (concentration) & Dhyana (meditation) are attempted as we all venture closer toward the self, ideally en route to the attainment of Samadhi- a state often likened to oneness or the Buddhist concept of Nirvana.